Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do they have ORANGE CHI hair straighteners? if so, where can i get one??

i really want a CHI but im not sure what colors there are besides blue red pink and black. my favorite color is orange though and i think it would be really awesome if i could get an orange one! can u please help me find one or just tell me where i can find one myself?!?! thank you very much!Do they have ORANGE CHI hair straighteners? if so, where can i get one??
Check ebayDo they have ORANGE CHI hair straighteners? if so, where can i get one??
OMG!! no way!! youre favorite color is orange!! well i believe that is just amazing.. i myself am looking for an orange chi straightener and keep having no luck!!! i think i want to recommend to the designers to make an orange, yellow, or even green colored chis... did you find any luck?

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They don't have ornage CHI hair straighteners. My favorite color's orange too, and most companies don't make products in orange (like ipods =[), However, they do have ones that ar red, balck, blue, and pin (like you said). Here's a website that will help you buy one online:>

Also, if you dont want o buy online go to any hair cut store, beauty salon (like Sally's), or any decent store like JCPenny (you'll find them on sale there).

good luck!

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